Wherever you’ll be on September 14th, you are invited to observe with us! Register to mark your participation on the 2024 event map and connect with a global community of lunar observers. All registrants will gain early access to a new image of the Moon from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera.

You can also choose to register and host a public event or private event.

Required. *

General Info

  • Have you ever participated in International Observe the Moon Night?

  • How did you hear about International Observe the Moon Night?

    Check all that apply

  • How many people are observing the Moon with you? (include yourself in the tally)

  • Details

    The following information will appear on our event map, showing your contribution to the global celebration.

    • Registration signs you up for the International Observe the Moon Night event mailing list. You will get important information about the event as well as lunar exploration updates and resources and opportunities for further engagement throughout the year. You may unsubscribe at any time.

    Are you sure you want to delete this event?

    Main Image
    Credit: Zach Tejral | Location: Antarctica

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