Whether you plan to host an event or observe the Moon on your own, we want to hear about it!

As an International Observe the Moon Night event host, by registering, your event will appear on our website under Find an Event. You will gain access to the most up-to-date event materials, and become an official part of International Observe the Moon Night. You’ll get the latest lunar news and connect with a global community of lunar observers. Plus, all registrants receive an exclusive digital image of the Moon from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter that has never been released to the public.

If your event is open to the public, register here to post your event information in our searchable, worldwide database.

You can also choose to register and host a private event or an individual/household observation.

Required. *

General Info

  • Have you or your organization previously hosted an International Observe the Moon Night event?

  • How did you hear about International Observe the Moon Night?

    Check all that apply

  • How many people do you expect will attend your event?


The following information will be displayed publicly on our website to help visitors find and attend your event.

  • Type *

    If you have one event that has in-person and virtual elements at the same time, please choose both. If you are hosting an in-person event and a virtual event at different times, please fill out a registration form for each event.
  • 2024
  • 2024
  • Preview on map

Point of Contact

The following information will not be shared publicly on our website.

  • Registration signs you up for the International Observe the Moon Night event mailing list. You will get important information about the event as well as lunar exploration updates and resources and opportunities for further engagement throughout the year. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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Main Image
Credit: Zach Tejral | Location: Antarctica

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