Astronomical League Observing Challenge

August 5, 2024
This Observing Challenge is available to anyone. No special equipment is required. To complete the challenge, take the following steps:
- Do an outreach activity related to the Moon and International Observe the Moon Night. This could be an official International Observe the Moon Night event, or any activity that encourages observing the Moon in general.
- Observe the Moon between September 14 and September 21, 2024.
- Sketch or take an image of the Moon.
- Identify and label these 10 maria (lunar "seas" of cooled lava).
- Mare Crisium
- Mare Fecunditatis
- Mare Nectaris
- Mare Tranquilitatis
- Mare Serenitatis
- Mare Vaporum
- Mare Imbrium
- Mare Nubium
- Mare Cognitum
- Mare Insularum
For more information about the challenge, including details about how to document and submit your observations, visit the Astronomical League website.
Note: You may make your challenge observations anytime between September 14 and September 21, 2024. The deadline for submission is October 14, 2024. You do not need to be a member of the Astronomical League to participate in this challenge.