Apollo at 50 Moon Toolkit and Resources from NASA's Night Sky Network

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the landing of humans on the Moon, the Night Sky Network has new Moon handouts and activities. Discover the evening Moon phases and all about the geology and history of our nearest celestial neighbor with Exploring Moon Phases Cards. Print these and fold in half for an easy to use, informative lunar observing resource.
Add some art and culture to your science events with the Moon Myths from Around the World cards and worksheet. Visitors from 5 to 95 will enjoy learning about the stories associated with the shapes on the Moon - from creation to moral tales, they will entertain and inspire new stories. Create your own Moon story on the included worksheet. Also, hear native storytellers telling Moon stories from their cultures thanks to our partners at LPI.
Looking for a presentation on the Moon? Our To the Moon presentation gives an overview of the steps we took to get a human to the Moon. No background knowledge is necessary in order to give this presentation - all the handy notes you need are included in the PowerPoint version! Additional formats include Google Slides and Adobe PDF (the PDF version does not include notes). Find all three formats on the presentation page.
Has anyone ever asked - Can you See the Flag on the Moon? This handout takes a closer look at that question, by powers of 10. View the Moon with your eye alone, then zoom in with binoculars, a backyard telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, and a lunar orbiter before looking back to Earth from the Moon's surface. What Earth features could you see from the Moon?
We've included some of our favorites from previous Toolkits such as the activity Why do Eclipses Happen? and the Skywatchers Guide to the Moon Handout.
You can also 3D print your own set of Apollo landing sites!